BDSmktg Founders’ Employee of the Year Spotlight: Clyde M., Facilities Manager


Our next Employee of the Year spotlight features the first ever winner of the Founder’s Award: Clyde M., Facilities Manager! Clyde has been a long-time BDSer and will be celebrating his 18th anniversary with BDS this coming year. As the Facilities Manager, Clyde oversees the upkeep and maintenance of all the facilities that includes (but is not limited to) the conference rooms, kitchens, bathrooms. He ensures that everything is in proper order, and we love him for it! Clyde is a very familiar face at BDS, always ready to greet you with a warm smile and friendly hello that will surely brighten up anyone’s day! Read on to learn more about Clyde and his life at BDS!

Q: How does it feel to win this award?

A: I was really honored because I’m honestly a shy and humble guy in a lot of ways and I was really humbled and touched. I just try to do my job as well as I can. I was just shocked.

Q: What is your favorite part about working for BDS?

A: Well, I just really like my job in general. I don’t really have one favorite part since I like it all. I enjoy keeping up with the maintenance, working with the employees, and making sure that everything is in order. Working in Facilities in general is what I really like to do.

Q: Travel by train, plane or car?

A: Car. I love doing all the driving myself and being able to stop where I want and admire my surroundings.

Q: If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?

A: Morgan Freeman because I love his voice!

Q: Who’s the person in your life that you admire most? Why?

A: Tony Dungy. He was a football coach for the Indianapolis Colts and he’s a very positive person. He never has anything bad to say about anyone and is always upbeat; he really inspires me.

Q: If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

A: I do love to sing and if I could sing one song on American Idol I would probably sing… Amazing Grace. Wait, never mind, I would sing Three Times a Lady by Lionel Richie.

Q: Do you have a hobby?

A: Yes, I do! I love to garden. I am currently growing some Plumerias in my garden, which is a kind of tree that you can find in Hawaii.

Keep an eye out for more Employee Spotlights featuring all of this year’s Employee of the Year Winners! Interested in becoming a BDSer yourself? Check out our Careers Page for the latest job openings.